Magic Mushrooms Known for Natural Hallucinogens

Psychotropic or Psychedelic mushrooms, popularly known as magic mushrooms, have a history of use dating back to thousands of years as recreation and in religious ceremonies.

Magic Mushrooms
Magic mushrooms contain a chemical called psylocibin which has the property by which it can alter or enhance mood, perception and behavior. Magic mushrooms also happen to be the most widely used mind altering drug for recreation because of the fact that it can be found in the wild or grown at home easily and economically.

Psylocibin affects the central nervous system in a milder form then does LSD and is far safer to use without producing the same devastating side effects. People ‘tripping’ on shrooms might observe different colors and shapes, experience enhanced tastes and textures, time would slow down or speed up and a general feeling of ‘spiritual’ consciousness may awaken in the user. Emotions and creativity may also be enhanced.

Although Headshops will offer you the basic materials you need to smoke cannabis or other usable hallucinogenics, a Smartshop will offer you technically advanced options and solutions to complete a healthy recreational experience.

To be able to truly enjoy the experience and have a positive trip, the user must be in a positive state of mind and be in the right environment to attain the feeling of euphoria. Otherwise paranoia and terror may result.

Not all mushrooms will contain hallucinogenic chemicals. There are hundreds of different psychtropic mushrooms. The other major component inducing mind alteration in mushrooms is psilocin. Mushrooms can be found growing freely in the wilds in South America, Thailand, Mexico, India, Malaysia, Eastern Australia and Southern parts of the US.

Method of preparation, dosage and metabolism determine how long your trip will last. Usually, the first 3 or 4 hours of the trip would be the heaviest. Mushrooms, surprisingly, do not cause physical or psychological craving or addiction for the substance unlike other drugs and is fairly safe to use.

For new users or those using mushrooms in crowded places, it is advised to use Trip Stoppers to reduce the effect of psilocin in the body. Alternatively, sugar can also retard the effects of the shroom’s components.

Smartshops will typically offer you Magic Mushroom growing kits with detailed instructions to successfully raise and tend your plants. Although selling fresh or dried mushrooms in the Netherlands was banned in 2008, growing them for personal use is still allowed.

When growing your own mushrooms, using the kit, you will be typically provided with the substrate containing living mycelium or spores of the fungus forming the mushroom. Also contained would be a transparent plastic  bag with holes for air and some paperclips.

Usually, after preparation of the grow kit it takes about 2 weeks before you can harvest the ‘flush’ as it is colloquially known as. The ideal temperature for growth is beween 18 and 29 degrees Celsius. Never place the grow kit in direct sunlight. When the mushrooms are ripe always pick them using a turning motion without cutting them.

Smart shops in Amsterdam sell smart drugs or herbal solutions for recreation instead of hard drugs. Online headshops like Focus Planet are another convenience that will provide you with all the paraphernalia you require to make your smoking experience a safe and happy one.
Magic Mushrooms Known for Natural Hallucinogens Magic Mushrooms Known for Natural Hallucinogens Reviewed by Unknown on 21:24 Rating: 5

1 comment:

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